Our Philosophy and ESG in action
Our Philosophy and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in Action
Alligator’s ESG philosophy is to understand what our stakeholders value and their key issues and concerns, which then drive how we operate. To this end Alligator has developed its “Working with Stakeholders” plan as follows:
We aim to add value in all of our decision-making for shareholders.
We wish to provide an engaging, challenging, enjoyable and respectful workplace for our employees.
We respect the rights of landowners and communities and seek to collaborate for our mutual benefit. We respect the cultural heritage and connection to country of Traditional Owners and wish to create mutually beneficial opportunities.

We aim for a low impact on the environment, through innovation, use of latest technology, and responsible land management techniques.

To embed this philosophy long-term in the business, AGE is in the process of developing an ESG framework that:
- Considers material topics (for example, land and biodiversity management, Aboriginal heritage, uranium occurrences, radiation monitoring and local communities) relevant to an exploration and development company, while leveraging international guidance such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI);
- Engages with our stakeholders to understand their perspectives, shared values and outcome expectations, and
- Drives our performance, informs strategy and identifies further actions for implementation.
Alligator Energy acknowledges and respects that the topic of uranium mining is a concerning one for some people. We will always work to better understand any concerns people have and provide information about the project and the environmental protections that must be followed as transparently and openly as possible.
As we evolve from an exploration company to a developer through advancing the Samphire Project to the next stage of feasibility, so are our approaches and commitments to ESG increasing. We will continue to develop and deliver ESG outcomes which are fit for purpose and at a level commensurate with community and other stakeholder expectations.